How to Get Started with Healthy Meal Prep

  1. Start small.
  2. Try each food group
  3. get organized
  4. invest in quality storage containers
  5. Stay consistent and make time

When starting a new diet can sound a bit scary for the first part, we truly believe that having a well-thought meal plan can help you achieve any health goal you desire, we reach the top nutrients that are rich in vitamins and lots of goodies your body needs.

Start small

If this is your first time trying creating a meal plan this might sound like a lot at first, but that is why is important to allow yourself to go at a pace that you feel is right for your health goals. Developing a meal planning habit shouldn’t be any different than any other positive life-changing habit.

the first week starts small maybe with a few snacks, or 3 meals a week so you don’t feel as overwhelmed, you’ll figure out which planning strategies work best slowly as the weeks go by and you stay consistent.

Try each food group.

when preparing for meal planning make sure you consider a plan for you that’s healthy and also nutritious but also fun! When looking for a meal plan the most nutritional meal plan emphasizes whole foods such as fruits and veggies, legumes, and whole grains.



BASE:Leafy Greens (e.g. spinach, kale, arugula, mixed baby greens, romaine, leaf lettuce, swiss chard, sprouts, microgreens, etc.)TOP WITH:Veggies: raw, roasted, or grilled (e.g. carrots, cucumber, cabbage, zucchini, beets, mushrooms, peppers, radish, broccoli, cauliflower, snap peas, green beans, asparagus, etc.)Protein (e.g. nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, quinoa, tempeh, tofu, eggs, fish, quality meat*, etc.)Whole Food Carbs (e.g. sweet potatoes, quinoa, rice, corn, squash, whole grains, wild rice, beans, peas, etc.)Healthy Fats (e.g. avocado, nuts, seeds, olives, olive oil, tahini, salmon, etc.)ADD-ONS:Options include: homemade or quality store-bought dressings or sauces, fermented veggies like sauerkraut or kimchi, nuts, seeds, hemp hearts, salsa, hummus, fruit, cheese, guacamole, pesto, nutritional yeast, fresh lemon juice, herbs, spices, seasonings, etc.


  • These bowls are super versatile and do not require a specific recipe.  Just 3 simple steps to easily build yourself a healthy and delicious meal.  Get creative and have fun – the options are endless!
    The base of Leafy Greens:  Start off by placing a couple of handfuls of leafy greens in your bowl.
    Top with Veggies + Protein + Carbs + Healthy Fats:  Add a variety of nutrient-dense veggies, protein, carbs, and healthy fats.  You can sprinkle them on top or arrange them in neat little piles or stripes
    .Finish It Off With Add-Ons:  Drizzle, scatter or scoop on some delicious add-ons to bring it all together.

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Get organized

when it comes to meal planning staying organized is key, it requires a little bit of effort for those who don’t already have a tidy place and spot for everything. There’s no right or wrong way to organize your meal prep spaces. Just make sure it’s a system that works for you.

start with your pantry then the fridge then organizes can food, this way you’ll eliminate anything that is not serving you and focus on the new food you plan to store your body with.

invest in quality storage containers

This will change everything from meal prepping to actually enjoying your meals, if you have made the decision to meal prep inventing good quality containers is the next step for you this is where the fun begins in my eyes, you can get created and label your containers, use different color tops for different meals, not only this would allow your food to last longer but taste much richer in flavor. this is an investment as you will gain confidence in your journey you’ll start to appreciate quality.

Stay consistent and make time

The best way to integrate a meal planning routine into your lifestyle is to make it a priority. and it’ll eventually become a habit, fall in love with the ideal or your why, why are you meal prepping, what’s going to push you to make the time 2 times of your week 20 to 35 minutes, show up for you.

For some people, creating a meal plan can take as little as 20–35 minutes per week. If your plan also includes preparing some food items ahead of time or pre-portioning meals and snacks, you may need a few hours.

This would be broken down to make your life easier when in the kitchen making your meal, you know exactly what you make how much you make, and how long are you planning on feeding from this meal.

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